St. Mary’s Kids Turned into Seasoned Campers with Innovative Camping Program Designed for Children Living in Hospitals, Group Homes & Shelters across the Country
As part of its national kicking off tour to bring the camping experience to children who are unable to attend camp due to a disability or complex medical condition, Camp TLC (Together Living the Challenge) selected St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children to bring their innovative programs to the young patients, delivering a week of camp to kids right in the hospitals.
The week long camping experience featured recreational activities, Special Olympics, arts & crafts, drama and much more, and culminated with a grand finale presentation hosted by St. Mary’s Kids showcasing what they learned.
St. Mary’s Kids of all ages sang and performed hot dance numbers all choreographed by themselves with the help of Camp TLC members. The kids said they rehearsed all week long and were very excited to show off their talents.
Camp TLC was founded as a vehicle to provide camping to youth living with AIDS/HIV. As time progressed, theCampTLCteam teamed up with seasoned non-profit professional Caroline Baumis, LMSW and fulfilled her dream of bringing programming to children living in isolating circumstances.
Bringing camping activities and the social experiences of camping to children living in hospitals, group homes and shelters across the country, at no charge to the organization, Camp TLC helps to provide an educational and recreational experience for those who are otherwise unable to attend.
St. Mary’s Kids, some of the region’s most seriously ill and injured children battling complex medical and life-limiting conditions, enjoyed having the camp come to them, as many children are wheelchair bound or are facing extenuating circumstances that wouldn’t allow them to otherwise experience the excitement of camp.
St. Mary’s Healthcare System for Children provides intensive rehabilitation, specialized medical care, and education to over 4,000 children and families with special healthcare needs.