St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn Kicks Off “SibShops” a Workshop for Siblings of Special Needs Children

Workshops Held in Conjunction with the Port Washington SEPTA to Create a Program Just for Siblings of Kids with Special Needs.

 In conjunction with the Port Washington Special Education Parent Teachers Association (SEPTA), St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn and kicked off their first Sibshop group in the new series of support workshops for siblings of children with special needs.

Sibshops is a fun and exciting program created just for brothers and sisters of kids with a sibling who has special needs.  Sibshops enables children a place to discuss every day experiences with other children who truly “get it”. Led by a Sibshops-trained Special Education teacher, Heather Soffer, MS,  from St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn, the goal is to provide an environment that will help create lasting friendships, learn about their siblings, while engaging in exciting games and activities. The Sibshops curriculum is used throughout the United States, and other participating countries.

“We are pleased to bring this important program to the Port Washington community,” remarked Sharon Pardo, OT, Director of St. Mary’s Kids at Roslyn. “It helps siblings make sense of their situation, and gives parents the opportunity to learn more about common concerns among brothers and sisters.”

Sibshops kicked off on Sunday, February 13, 2011 at the Port Washington Library and was moderated by one of St. Mary’s certified special education teachers, Heather Soffer, MS. Other meeting dates are scheduled for Sunday, March 13th, and Sunday April 10th.  

The cost of the workshops is $5 per session per child for Port Washington SEPTA members and $10 per session for non-SEPTA members.  Space is limited and registration is required. For more information or to register your child, please contact